Worldwide Coverage of Sant Rampal Ji in Media

American News Papers

Wall Street Journal

19/11/14 – Deadly Standoff in India Ends With Guru’s Arrest

20/11/14 – Indian Guru Sant Rampal’s Followers Battle Police at Ashram

20/11/14 – Guru Sant Rampal Arrested in India by Riot Police at Ashram

20/11/14 – Guru Rampal’s Followers Leave Ashram After Violent Standoff in India

21/11/14 – Accused Murderer Rampal ‘Not Qualified’ to Be a Guru Says Hindu Leader

 New York Times

20/11/14 – Fugitive Guru Arrested After Standoff With Police

22/11/14 – Police Question Indian Guru and Find Arsenal in His Compound

Washington Post

18/11/14 – Police clash with Indian guru supporters; 190 hurt

19/11/14 – Deadly showdown at Indian guru’s compound reveals dubious side of the country’s ‘godmen’

19/11/14 – Police arrest guru ending India standoff

21/11/14 – Police search Indian guru’s ashram after arrest

 The Boston Globe

19/11/14 – Police clash with Indian guru’s supporters

Australian News Papers

The Age

19/11/14 – Six dead after police storm Indian ashram

20/11/14 – Fugitive guru Baba Rampal arrested after stand-off with Indian police

The Sydney Morning Herald

19/11/14 – Six dead after police storm Indian ashram

20/11/14 – Fugitive guru Baba Rampal arrested after stand-off with Indian police

Brisbane Times

19/11/14 – Six dead after police storm Indian ashram

20/11/14 – Fugitive guru Baba Rampal arrested after stand-off with Indian police

 Canberra Times

19/11/14 – Six dead after police storm Indian ashram

20/11/14 – Fugitive guru Baba Rampal arrested after stand-off with Indian police

United Kingdom Newspapers

Daily Mail / Mail Online

16/11/14 – Stand-off at Barwala as 60,000 followers of ‘godman’ Rampal form a human wall to prevent his arrest

17/11/14 – Ready to die for Rampal: Women and children threaten to set themselves on fire as tension mounts over godman’s court warrant

18/11/14 – Police clash with Indian guru supporters; 190 hurt

18/11/14 – Rampal -Vs- the State: Over 200 injured in Barwala as 30,000 security personnel fail to break through godman’s human shield

19/11/14 – Police arrest guru ending India standoff

19/11/14 – Rampal arrested at last: Security forces seize godman after 30-hour stand-off at his ashram

23/11/14 – INSIDE STORY: Why it took six lives and two weeks to arrest self-styled godman Rampal accused of murder and sedition

24/11/14 – PUNJABI TADKA: BJP attacked over ‘pet’ godmen

27/11/14 – Rampal sold ‘tickets to God’: Callous ‘guru’ promised gullible followers Rs 1 lakh donation would guarantee them a place in heaven

28/11/14 – Following the money: police investigations into ‘godman’ Rampal’s business shows a man with fingers in many pies

 The Guardian

18/11/14 – Indian police storm ashram in hunt for ‘godman’

19/11/14 – Indian ashram standoff leaves at least six dead

19/11/14 – Indian guru held after ashram standoff that claimed six lives

20/11/14 – Indian ‘godman’ charged with waging war against state after ashram siege

The Telegraph

19/11/14 – India ashram standoff kills six as guru ‘holed up inside’


19/11/14 – Indian Guru Rampal arrested after deadly ashram clashes

19/11/14 – Indian media: Police ‘failure’ to arrest Haryana guru

19/11/14 – Rampal: How did an engineer become a revered guru?

20/11/14 – Indian media: Controversial guru ‘disregarded’ law

20/11/14 – Rampal: Controversial Indian guru remanded in custody

21/11/14 – In pictures: Inside Indian guru Rampal’s ashram

24/11/14 – In pictures: Arms cache at India guru Rampal ashram

The Independent

19/11/14 – Controversial Indian guru Sant Rampal finally arrested after stand-off – but six are killed in the clashes

The Times

20/11/14 – Five bodies found in Indian guru Rampal Maharaj’s ashram

22/11/14 – Followers ate cult leader’s bath pudding

23/11/14 – Guru’s last stand: police arrest ‘godman’ in bloody clash

Financial Times (London)

19/11/14 – Guru in Indian ashram stand-off accused of treason

1/12/14 – The ‘godmen’ of India who bring out the vote, and wield earthly influence



19/11/14 – Sechs Tote bei Razzia in indischem Ashram


18/11/14 – Hunderte Polizisten im Einsatz: Schlacht um einen indischen Guru

19/11/14 – Krawalle in indischem Ashram: Polizei nimmt Guru fest

19/11/14 – Krawalle in indischem Ashram: Polizei findet Leichen von Guru-Anhängern

Die Welt

19/11/14 – Gefolgsleute verteidigen angeklagten Guru

20/11/14 – Polizei verhaftet selbst ernannten Guru


18/11/14 – 10.000 Polizisten scheitern an Festnahme von Guru

19/11/14 – Vier Leichen aus Guru-Anwesen an Polizei übergeben

19/11/14 – Gefolgsleute verteidigen irren Sekten-Guru gegen Polizei


19/11/14 – Polizei nimmt selbst ernannten Guru fest


19/11/14 – Vier Leichen aus Guru-Anwesen an Polizei übergeben


19/11/14 – Gefolgsleute verteidigen Guru in Indien

20/11/14 – Indische Polizei nimmt Guru nach Kämpfen fest

Hamburger Abendblatt

19/11/14 – Tausende Gläubige kämpfen für ihren Guru gegen die Polizei


18/11/14 – Versuchte Festnahme eines indischen Gurus – knapp 200 Verletzte


20/11/14 – Krawalle im Ashram – indischer Guru weist Mordvorwurf zurück


El Pais

20/11/14 – La policía detiene al gurú indio atrincherado con miles de fieles


19/11/14 – Dos muertos y 200 heridos, en una operación para detener a un gurú en la India


18/11/14 – Heridos y disturbios por un gurú indio que se resiste a la justicia terrenal

19/11/14 – Dos personas mueren tras una operación para detener a un gurú en la India

19/11/14 – Detenido el gurú indio que llevaba semanas atrincherado con miles de fieles

20/11/14 – Seis muertos y decenas de heridos en la detención de un gurú en India 

20/11/14 – Un tribunal acusa al gurú indio de asesinato tras la muerte de seis personas

21/11/14 – El gurú indio que pasó de los baños de leche al sudor frío entre barrotes


18/11/14 – Martes, 18 de noviembre de 2014 (19.00 GMT) | Radio Intereconomía

18/11/14 – Heridos y disturbios por un gurú indio que se resiste a la justicia

19/11/14 – Dos personas mueren tras una operación para detener a un gurú en

19/11/14 – Detenido el gurú indio que llevaba semanas atrincherado con miles

20/11/14 – Un tribunal acusa al gurú indio de asesinato tras la muerte de seis

20/11/14 – Gurú indio detenido tras operación policial asegura que es “inocente”


19/11/14 – Heridas 200 personas en una operación para detener a un gurú en el estado de Haryana

20/11/14 – India.- Detenido un gurú tras unos enfrentamientos con sus seguidores que se han saldado con seis muertos


18/11/14 – Heridos y disturbios por un gurú indio que se resiste a la justicia terrenal

19/11/14 – Dos personas mueren tras una operación para detener a un gurú en la India

20/11/14 – Gurú indio detenido tras operación policial asegura que es “inocente”

20/11/14 – Un gurú indio detenido tras una operación policial asegura que es “inocente”

20/11/14 – Un tribunal acusa al gurú indio de asesinato tras la muerte de seis personas

21/11/14 – El gurú indio que pasó de los baños de leche al sudor frío entre barrotes


23/11/14 – Detienen al gurú indio Sant Rampal, investigado por asesinatos en su centro



Le Figaro

20/11/14 – Inde: un gourou arrêté, six corps retrouvés

Le Parisien

19/11/14 – Inde: la police arrête un gourou controversé

20 Minutes

19/11/14 – Inde: la police arrête un gourou controversé –

20/11/14 – Inde: recherche d’explosifs dans l’ashram d’un gourou après son

Le Point

19/11/14 – Inde: la police arrête un gourou controversé

20/11/14 – Inde: recherche d’explosifs dans l’ashram d’un gourou après son arrestation


19/11/14 – Inde-Les locaux d’une secte pris d’assaut, six corps retrouvés

19/11/14 – Inde: la police arrête un gourou controversé

20/11/14 – Le gourou d’une secte arrêté en Inde, six corps retrouvés

20/11/14 – Inde: recherche d’explosifs dans l’ashram d’un gourou après son arrestation



20/11/14 – Guru Baba Rampal bezeichnet sich als unschuldig

18/11/14 – 190 Verletzte bei Festnahme-Versuch von indischem Guru

20 Minuten

19/11/14 – Guru benutzte Frauen und Kinder als Schutzschilde

Tages Anzeiger

18/11/14 – Tausende Anhänger verteidigen Guru gegen Polizei

Neue Zürcher Zeitung

11/14 – Indien: Vier Frauenleichen in Guru-Zentrum entdeckt

11/14 – Indien: 190 Menschen verletzt bei geplanter Guru-Festnahme

11/14 – Indien: Polizei stürmt Anwesen von Guru

Basler Zeitung

18/11/14 – Tausende Anhänger verteidigen Guru gegen Polizei


18/11/14 – 190 Verletzte bei Festnahme-Versuch von indischem Guru

20/11/14 – Guru Baba Rampal bezeichnet sich als unschuldig

BZ Berner Zeitung

18/11/14 – Tausende Anhänger verteidigen Guru gegen Polizei


19/11/14 – Inde: 6 morts après l’assaut de la police contre l’ashram d’un gourou

Ticinonline Tio

19/11/14 – Ticinonline – Guru finalmente arrestato, seguaci usati come ‘scudi

19/11/14 – Guru ricercato dalla polizia, scontri con i seguaci: sei morti

19/11/14 – Guru finalmente arrestato, seguaci usati come ‘scudi umani’

19/11/14 – Ticinonline – Guru ricercato dalla polizia, inviati 500 paramilitari

Neue Luzerner Zeitung

18/11/14 – Anhänger verhindern Festnahme von Guru

20/11/14 – Indischer Guru weist Mord-Vorwürfe zurück


La Repubblica

19/11/14 – India, guru ricercato: battaglia tra la polizia e i fedeli del santone. Sei morti e centinaia di feriti

19/11/14 – India, la battaglia tra polizia e i fedeli del guru Rampal

Asia News IT

19/11/14 – Haryana: 200 feriti negli scontri tra polizia e seguaci di un guru indù (accusato di omicidio)

20/11/14 – Haryana, arrestato il “guru omicida”. Morti un bambino e cinque donne

IL Post

19/11/14 – Gli scontri in India per il guru Rampal

Euro News IT

20/11/14 – India: polizia arresta guru accusato di omicidio, fedeli usati come scudi umani

Quotidiano Net

Arrestato in India il guru indù Rampal: venerdì comparirà in tribunale(LaPresse)

Agenzia Giornalistica Italia – AGI

20/11/14 – India: 6 cadaveri in casa del guru, Baba Rampal resta in cella



18/11/14 – 10.000 agenten kunnen Indiase goeroe niet arresteren

19/11/14 – Indiase goeroe ingerekend na felle gevechten

20/11/14 – Inde: la police arrête un gourou controversé – RTBF Societe

 RTL Info

20/11/14 – Inde: recherche d’explosifs dans l’ashram du gourou après son arrestation

De Morgen

18/11/14 – 10.000 agenten kunnen Indiase goeroe niet arresteren

19/11/14 – Indiase goeroe ingerekend na felle gevechten


Dagbladet Nyheter

19/11/14 – Fant døde kvinner hos ettersøkt guru i India

 NA 24

19/11/14 – Fant døde kvinner hos ettersøkt guru i India

Hegnar Online

19/11/14 – Fant døde kvinner hos ettersøkt guru


Kronen Zeitung

19/11/14 – Mordverdacht: Guru nach heftigen Kämpfen verhaftet

Kleine Zeitung

18/11/14 – Tausende wollten Festnahme von Guru verhindern

19/11/14 – Fünf Frauen und ein Kind bei Protesten getötet


19/11/14 – Nach Tumult im Ashram: Sechs Leichen gefunden


19/11/14 – Die indische Polizei hat einen selbst ernannten Guru festgenommen.

19/11/14 – 6 Tote bei Schlacht um Guru

Die Presse

19/11/14 – Indien: Straßenschlachten um einen Guru

Vorarlberg Online

18/11/14 – Tausende wollten Festnahme von Guru verhindern

Tiroler Tageszeitung

18/11/14 – Haftbefehl gegen Guru in Indien: 10.000 Polizisten stürmten Ashram

Vienna Online

18/11/14 – Tausende wollten Festnahme von Guru verhindern

19/11/14 – Sechs Tote nach Zusammenstößen an indischem Ashram

Wirtschafts Blatt

19/11/14 – News


Terra Argentina

18/11/14 – Policía india asalta un santuario buscando a gurú

18/11/14 – Heridos y disturbios por un gurú indio que se resiste a la justicia terrenal

19/11/14 – Detenido el gurú indio que llevaba semanas atrincherado con miles de fieles

19/11/14 – Detienen a un gurú indio buscado por la justicia, tras violento choque con seguidores

19/11/14 – Hallan cinco cadáveres en ‘ashram’ de un gurú buscado en India

19/11/14 – Dos personas mueren tras una operación para detener a un gurú en la India

19/11/14 – Cinco cadáveres y miles de personas retenidas en el ‘ashram’ de un gurú en India

20/11/14 – Un tribunal acusa al gurú indio de asesinato tras la muerte de seis personas

20/11/14 – Gurú indio detenido tras operación policial asegura que es “inocente”

20/11/14 – Policía india busca explosivos en monasterio de gurú detenido

20/11/14 – Policía india busca explosivos en monasterio de gurú detenido

21/11/14 – Gurú indio pasa de baños de leche al sudor frío de la cárcel

21/11/14 – El gurú indio que pasó de los baños de leche al sudor frío entre barrotes

21/11/14 – Por qué hay fascinación por los polémicos gurús de India

21/11/14 – Por qué hay tanta fascinación por los polémicos gurús de India


19/11/14 – Hallan cinco cadáveres en el santuario del gurú indio que tiene a mal traer a la policía

Diario Uno

18/11/14 – La policía india se enfrentó a miles de personas por un gurú


19/11/14 – Polícia encontra quatro mulheres e um bebê mortos dentro de templo de guru na Índia

19/11/14 – Polícia encontra quatro mulheres e um bebê mortos dentro de templo de guru na Índia

19/11/14 – Guru indiano procurado pela justiça é detido após conflito com seguidores

19/11/14 – Polícia encontra 5 corpos em retiro espiritual de guru na Índia

20/11/14 – Guru indiano preso após operação policial diz que é inocente


19/11/14 – Polícia encontra quatro mulheres e um bebê mortos dentro de templo de guru na Índia

Jornal O Globo

19/11/14 – Polícia encontra quatro mulheres e um bebê mortos dentro de templo de guru na Índia



21/11/14 – El gurú indio pasa de los baños de leche a detrás de los barrotes (Fotos)

El Nacional

19/12/14 – Detienen a gurú indio que se encerró con miles de fieles

19/11/14 – Mueren 6 personas en santuario de gurú en India


Gulf Daily News

20/11/14 – ‘Guru’ held as standoff ends

20 /11/14 – Guru held as standoff ends


The Brunei Times

20/11/14 – 6 dead in ashram-police standoff in N India

21/11/14 – Indian police arrest guru after violent stand-off

20/11/14 – Indian Guru Rampal Arrested After Deadly Ashram Clashes

Borneo Bulletin

19/11/14 – Police storm ashram in India in search of guru

20/11/14 – Six dead after police storm India guru’s ashram

21/11/14 – Indian police search ashram after bloody stand-off

22/11/14 – Police question Indian guru after standoff arrest


The Irrawaddy

20/11/14 – Police Arrest Guru, Ending India Standoff



19/11/14 – Six dead after Indian police storm godman’s ashram

19/11/14 – 6 killed as police raid Hindu monastery in central India

Xinhua News China

19/11/14 – 6 killed as police raid Hindu monastery in central India



20/11/14 – Guru Spiritual India Diduga Terlibat Pembunuhan

Voice of America – Indonesia

18/11/14 – Polisi Serbu Kuil di India, Cari Pendeta Kontroversial Sant Rampal


The Star

18/11/14 – Followers of wanted Indian guru hold out against police

19/11/14 – Six dead after police storm India guru’s ashram

19/11/14 – Indian police storm religious leader’s compound to find six dead

20/11/14 – Five found dead at ashram

20/11/14 – Indian police capture cult leader, six dead as compound stormed

Free Malaysia Today

20/11/14 – Indian police arrest ‘godman’ after violent stand-off

Malaysia Chronicle

21/11/14 – Sex scandals and sieges: India’s ‘godmen’

New Straits Times Online

18/11/14 –  Followers of wanted Indian guru hold out against police

19/11/14 –  Six dead after police storm India guru’s ashram

20/11/14 –  Cult leader captured, six dead in India

21/11/14 –  Police question Indian guru after standoff arrest



19/11/14 – 6 dead after police storm India guru’s ashram


Asia One

19/11/14 – Six dead after police storm India guru’s ashram, AsiaOne Asia News

20/11/14 – Police storm religious leader’s compound to find 6 dead

20/11/14 – Indian police search ashram for explosives after bloody stand-off

21/11/14 – Arrested cult leader Rampal: I am innocent, AsiaOne Asia News

Photo Gallery – 10,000 forced out of huge cult in India

5/12/14 – Cost of arresting ‘godman’ Rampal over 50 cents crores

Channel News Asia

19/11/14 – Six dead after police storm India guru’s ashram

20/11/14 – Indian police arrest guru after violent stand-off

The Straits Times

19/11/14 – Six dead after police storm India wanted guru Rampal Maharaj’s ashram

20/11/14 – Indian police search ashram of godman for explosives after bloody stand-off

1/12/14 – Less spiritual side of India’s ‘godmen’ in the spotlight


18/11/14 – Police clash with Indian guru supporters; 190 hurt

19/11/14 – Indian police storm religious leader’s compound to find six dead

20/11/14 – Indian police capture cult leader, six dead as compound stormed

Photo Gallery – Gallery: Police clash with Indian guru supporters; 190 hurt

The New Paper

19/11/14 – 5 bodies found in wanted guru’s ashram | The New Paper 

United Arab Emirates

Gulf News

15/11/14 – Tension in Haryana town as police readies to arrest sect leader

16/11/14 – Tension mounts as Haryana sect complex surrounded

17/11/14 – Court issues fresh warrants against sect leader Rampal

18/11/14 – India: Scores injured as followers of BabaRampal clash with police

19/11/14 – Police arrest Baba Rampal from his Haryana ashram

19/11/14 – India police clash with armed followers of wanted ‘godman’

20/11/14 – Controversial guru Rampal sent to judicial custody

21/11/14 – Another charlatan bites the dust in India

24/11/14 – Rampal’s sect expansion plans go bust

28/11/14 – Rs266m spent on operation to arrest guru Rampal in India

Khaleej Times

18/11/14 – Indian police clash with armed supporters of wanted ‘godman’

19/11/14 – Six dead after police storm ashram of Rampal Maharaj in India

20/11/14 – Indian police arrest ‘godman’ after violent stand-off

20/11/14 – High Court cancels Indian Guru Rampal’s bail

20/11/14 – Indian police search ashram for explosives after bloody stand-off

The National

18/11/14 – India police clash with armed supporters of wanted ‘godman’

19/11/14 – Six dead after police storm India guru’s ashram


Gulf Times

18/11/14 – Police clash with Haryana sect leader’s supporters

19/11/14 – Controversial sect leader held as police find 6 bodies

21/11/14 – Police search Rampal’s ashram for explosives

23/11/14 – Bulletproof jackets, arms recovered from Rampal’s ashram

The Peninsula

24/11/14 – Bulletproof jackets, arms seized from Rampal ashram


20/11/14 – Controversial guru Rampal sent to judicial custody

20/11/14 – Another charlatan bites the dust in India

28/11/14 – Rs266m spent on operation to arrest guru Rampal in India

Al Jazeera

18/11/14 – Indian police clash with armed guru followers

19/11/14 – Bodies found inside Indian guru’s ashram

19/11/14 – Indian guru held after deadly confrontation


Haveeru Online

19/11/14 – 6 dead after police storm India guru’s ashram

20/11/14 – Police arrest guru after violent stand-off


Monaco Matin

19/11/14 – Inde: la police arrête un gourou controversé

20/11/14 – Inde: recherche d’explosifs dans l’ashram d’un gourou après son arrestation


Correio Da Manha

19/11/14 – Descobertos cinco corpos em comunidade de meditação indiana